Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow, Snow, and more Snow!!

With all the snow, Brevan thinks it's the middle of the summer and drags out the Nemo car.  The snow is actually too deep and he gets stuck and frustrated.  In the past week or so we've probably had 15-18 inches of snow!This is all our snow!  Or our mountains, as Claire says.  She likes to climb to the top.
This is Brevan's favorite thing to do lately and he thinks he is SO FUNNY!!  He drags out the car mat, but instead of playing cars on it, he uses it for his blanket.

Valentine's Day

The kids really got into making Valentine's for grandma and their friends.  It entertained Claire for quite a while which is always nice!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Claire says..........

So last night we had some friends over and their kids.  Claire, of course, had to say the prayer.  And towards the end she had everyone laughing.  She prayed "bless that we can go potty when we need to."  So funny!!!  I guess she has remembered when she had a big crowd over and wouldn't stop playing to use the potty, and had an accident.  I asked Dave later if he had a talk about it with her, and that's why she said it.  He said no.  What will she say tomorrow?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Claire says..........

Lately Claire has been saying the funniest things and I figure I need to start writing them down. Even right now I can't remember all the things I've been laughing at. But funniest are her prayers lately. She asks for mom to share her cheetos and for mom to listen to her and that Santa can come to her house again and the rest of her friends. And last night she would not go to bed! She kept saying she had to go potty. So Dave put her on the potty and she told him "my pee is slow." 10 minutes later she said "my pee is scared." And when she wants to do something she says, "that's what kids do." What else will she come up with?