Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas at Disney World

This year we decided to be non-traditional and instead of spending Christmas at home, we spent it at Disney World!! We went with our friends, the Jones', and had so much fun! The kids loved riding the rides, meeting the characters, seeing the lights, and playing in the fake snow. Here are some hi-lights. Me and the kids at Epcot. It turned out to be funner for the kids than I thought.
In "Japan"

In front of the Magic Kingdom.

Claire and her favorite princess, Cinderella. She had so much fun getting everyone to sign her autograph book!

Christmas morning in our matching jammies.

Claire's stuff from Santa. Princess things for her bike, jump rope, book, and DVD's.

Brevan's stuff. Trucks, trucks, and trucks.

Cinderella's castle at night. AMAZING.

Claire and her friend Sarah. They kept striking poses. Hilarious.

Brev and Dad at one of the many fabulous parades.

It's A Small World. Probably Brevan's favorite ride.

African Safari.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cream Puffs

I was asked to bring a dessert to our bishopbric Christmas party. I could always use an excuse to buy the yummy cream puffs from Costco, but wanted to dress it up. This is what I came up with.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Festival of Lights

We went to the Festival of Lights at the zoo last night for FHE. It took FOREVER to get there, but the kids had a great time! Claire got to see gingerbread people, Frosty, and Santa's live reindeer! This is the only picture we got, and it's not even a good one. She is so not cooperative!

Claire and Brevan on the merry-go-round. Their favorite part of the zoo aside from the train! But mom has a one ride only rule on this one!

Waiting for the wierd and painful puppet show to start. The kids got a kick out of the wierd humor at least.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The latest

A friend from church asked me to make an anesthesiology cake for her husband who just graduated. This is what I came up with. Had grander visions in my head, but that's usually how it goes! Hope they like it!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Decorating the tree

My cute boy!! He loves the tree!

Claire and Dad decorated the whole tree. So there's big clusters at the bottom. Gotta love it. But Claire was so excited, and she's even more excited that it's Christmas time! And every time it snows she thinks it's Christmas and that we should be going to Cinderella's Castle. She's having a hard time waiting, and so are the rest of us! I just can't wait to get out of the frigid weather and trade it for sun and fun in Florida!

The kids' favorite place to go and hide!


The kids had so much fun spending two weeks with their cousins! And for the most part, they played together nicely! Brevan and Blake are so close in age it was like having twin boys run around! Here's Blake and Brevan racing cars at Chuck E. Cheese All 3 in the bathtub. Claire and Brevan loved it. Blake looked at them like invaders! I think that was the only time he wanted to get out of the bath! But he put up with them :)

Claire doing what she loves to do best: give hugs! Sometimes she ends up too rough, but Blake would usually return the favor.

Happy Birthday, Kallie!

We also got to celebrate Kallie's birthday while we were in Utah. Claire helped to put the candles on my yummiest cake so far. Chocolate cake, raw cookie dough, and cookie dough ice cream! We went to Tucano's (thanks grandma for watching the kids!) and to the Michael Jackson movie. Good times.

Mom's surprise 50th!

My mom and Claire. We posted old pictures of my mom, and surprise! She still had all those glasses she was wearing years ago! Here's our favorite pair. So fun! My grandpa, and the cake we made in keeping with the 70's Disco theme.
My cute mom and dad.


Me and my sister, Kallie sporting our AWESEOME 70's outfits!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the latest cake. not my best work. i had never used a stencil before and my visions were better in my head.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Saturday was the neighborhood annual Halloween parade. The kids always have a blast marching around the neighborhood and getting treats at the end. In fact, Claire found a friend that would give her any treat she wanted--so Claire had A LOT!!! The parade is lead by a police car, ambulance, and a fire truck, which Brevan thought was so cool! Claire, Liam, and Penelope on the fire truck

Brevan the Lion!

Claire told me her costume was Tinkerbell.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Last weekend we went to Natorp's ( a nursery). Every year they have some free Halloween activities for the kids, and they always love going. Dave was in charge of the camera. Can you tell who his favorite child is? ha ha.