Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas at Disney World

This year we decided to be non-traditional and instead of spending Christmas at home, we spent it at Disney World!! We went with our friends, the Jones', and had so much fun! The kids loved riding the rides, meeting the characters, seeing the lights, and playing in the fake snow. Here are some hi-lights. Me and the kids at Epcot. It turned out to be funner for the kids than I thought.
In "Japan"

In front of the Magic Kingdom.

Claire and her favorite princess, Cinderella. She had so much fun getting everyone to sign her autograph book!

Christmas morning in our matching jammies.

Claire's stuff from Santa. Princess things for her bike, jump rope, book, and DVD's.

Brevan's stuff. Trucks, trucks, and trucks.

Cinderella's castle at night. AMAZING.

Claire and her friend Sarah. They kept striking poses. Hilarious.

Brev and Dad at one of the many fabulous parades.

It's A Small World. Probably Brevan's favorite ride.

African Safari.

1 comment:

chelsey said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip! What fun memories you'll have of this christmas! The last time we went to Disney was when Sarah was around 4 and she LOVED getting her book signed by all the princesses too. You must've survived the long drive as well! Welcome home.