Friday, April 30, 2010

Claire turns 4!!

Claire's birthday party once again, at Chuck E. Cheese's.

A LOT of cake!!!

In the past 6 days it has been like a crazy bakery around here!  A busy week for cakes, but I am grateful for the business!  The balack and white one was for a birthday, and something I hadn't done before, and I think it turned out nice!Last night I had a baby shower for a friend, this is her "pea in a pod" baby shower cake.
My friend, Melissa, has the same birthday as Claire, and her cake turned out to be one of my all time favorites!  And of course, Claire had to have a princess cake. :)  Glad it is Friday, and my week is coming to an end!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Court Appearance

So I had a first today.  I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago, and went to court today to fight it.  I don't feel I was going as fast as the cop said I was, and I have NEVER been pulled over in the 13 years I had my license.  So I went hoping for some leniency--I didn't want my insurance to go up!  And it would have.  My awesome friend, Jen, came as my lawyer.  And it worked!  They picked her out of the crowd apparently, and took her up to talk to the prosecutor.  They worked out a plea and got me a non-moving violation!!  And, we got to go to the front of the line!  I could have been there for hours.  It worked out awesome!  No points on the record!  Will just show up as a headlight violation.  Looking serious, dressing the part and having my lawyer there helped.  It is laughable how we are about the only people there that even dress decent!  West Chester's finest were in that courtroom this morning.  One guy even had his shirt on inside out!  Really?  Glad it is done and over with!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed your weekends.  I know I enjoyed my long weekend!  We enjoyed a great easter with our "families" away from family.  And it was such a beautiful day to celebrate what our Savior has done for us!                               The kids had fun decorating eggs.  Kind of stressful for the mom though!  I think Brevan still has blue dye on his tummy!Easter morning!Brevan taking his girlfriend, Halle out to Easter dinner.Claire and Sarah having their Easter picnic together.  I think they're long lost sisters.  They have so much fun together and play so nice!  We didn't hear from them all day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday we went with some friends to the Mason City Easter Egg Hunt.  Really, there is no hunting.  They just toss thousands of eggs in the grass.  And there were a TON of people.  The hardest part for Brevan was staying put and waiting for the fire engine to blow his horn that would let us know we could start.  The whole thing is over in about 60 seconds, and it started to rain.  But all in all, the kids had a good time.