Tuesday, July 21, 2009

bon voyage, "little fish"

So, Claire went to a primary carnival that the young men/women put on for them. It was a lot of fun, but we came home with a gold fish! gggrrrrrrr!!!!! Claire named him "little fish." After 2 weeks of being a nice mother, i decided it was time for little fish to join his family and friends in the big pond. It was about to die anyway, and Claire would have freaked when we explained it and flushed it. She was emotional as it was leaving the pond with out him. Bon voyage!!


Unknown said...

What a nice mom you are. Good way to break it to her easy! I need you to come visit again because I'm wanting a new haircut. Can you guys come out soon, please? Blake missed his cousins sooo much!

Breanna said...

I cannot believe these people gave the kids fish without asking the parents first!!!!! Who does that? I hate fish. And I don't want one in my house ever. They totally put you in a crappy position.